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  1. Fabric: Washington Street Studio Vintage 1930s Florals fat quarters; coordinating plain cotton; white cotton
  2. Lightweight quilt wadding
  3. Fusible adhesive sheet
  4. Pom-poms, 20mm
  5. White yarn
  6. Fibre filling
  7. Coloured felt


    Cut 32 assorted fabric prints, 9cm square, then sew right sides together to make two blocks of four by four squares. Press and topstitch onto 33cm squares of quilt wadding along the seam lines.


    Download and print the templates from sewmag.co.uk, then trace the rabbit onto a fusible adhesive sheet, cut out and iron onto a plain coloured cotton. Cut around the outline and peel away the backing paper before fusing to the centre of one patchwork panel. Run a small zig zag stitch in matching thread around the edge of the rabbit. Make a small pom-pom tail and sew in place, then add a small black button for the eye.


    Cut two plain cotton strips, 7cm x 75cm. Fold in half lengthways and sew two parallel rows of long, straight stitches on the raw edges. Pull the ends of the top threads only to gather the fabric to 34cm. Tack the ruffle to the top edge of each patchwork panel.


    Cut two plain cotton strips, 6cm x 75cm. Fold in 5mm on each long edge before folding in half lengthways. Topstitch down both folded edges to make the straps. Tack a strap to each panel, matching the raw edges. Cut two printed cotton pieces, 6cm x 33cm, and stitch right sides together across the top of the panels to secure the ruffle and straps. Remove any visible tacking stitches, fold the printed fabric up, press and topstitch the seam.


    Pin the two patchwork panels right sides together, matching up the seams at the sides. Sew around three sides leaving the top open. Cut white cotton, 38cm x 68cm, fold in half to make a lining, then sew down the long side and across the bottom, leaving a 10cm gap in the centre bottom.


    Slip the lining over the bag, right sides together. Pin the top raw edges together and sew, taking care not to catch the strap. Turn the bag out through the hole in the lining. Fold in the raw edges of the hole and topstitch closed before pushing the lining inside the bag. Press and topstitch the top edge of the bag.

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