Sewing Pattern
Easter Embroidered Bag and Egg Cosies
Easter Home makes
This vintage-inspired set comprises a charming floral bag for collecting Easter goodies, and a trio of cosies to keep boiled eggs warm at breakfast. The finished pieces with embroidered flowers stitched onto vintage linen, are fully washable making them not only beautiful but practical too. Search flea markets and charity shops for similar printed linen; and choose a design that has large unprinted areas to accommodate the embroidered motif.
- Fabric: linen, floral print, 30cm x 60cm for bag, 20cm x 30cm for egg cosies; cotton, purple, plain, 30cm x 60cm for bag, 20cm x 30cm for egg cosies
- Thread, embroidery, cotton, six stranded, one skein each: yellow; light coral pink; coral pink; bright coral pink; light sage green; pale blue; blue
- Pom pom trim
- Embroidery hoop
- Needle, crewel
Dimensions List
- Bag: 24.5cm x 25.5cm
- Egg cosies: 7.5cm x 8cm
Make a bag
Mark out two 28cm squares on floral print fabric, for the front and back of the bag. Make sure the front piece has a large blank area in the centre for the embroidery motif Locate and download the template. Transfer the ‘Happy Easter’ egg-shaped motif onto the front piece, then place the fabric into an embroidery hoop, stretching it until it’s taut.
Thread a needle with three strands of the lightest shade of pink embroidery thread, filling in the top sections of each letter in satin stitch, then change to the second shade of pink and fill in the middle section of each letter. Next, embroider the remaining part of each letter in the darkest shade of pink thread.
For the floral motif, use three strands of lemon yellow thread to embroider the centre of each flower. Thread the needle with pale blue. In the centre of each flower petal, embroider satin stitches, radiating out from the centre. To edge each petal use a blue satin stitch to surround the areas of pale blue. Finally, thread the needle with green and embroider the stems using stem stitch.
When the embroidery is complete, remove the fabric from the hoop and press with a hot iron on the wrong side to remove any creases. With right sides facing, stitch down both sides of the bag and across the base, with a seam allowance of 1.2cm. Clip the corners.
Cut out two 28cm squares from the cotton lining fabric and stitch together, as before. Turn the bag right side out and place the lining inside the bag so that wrong sides are together. Turn under 1.2cm on the top edge of both the bag and lining, and press.
Cut two 36cm lengths of Petersham ribbon for the handles. Sandwich the ends of one piece between the main fabric and lining on the front of the bag, with the edges of the ribbon 6.5cm from the side seam. Do the same with the other piece on the back of the bag.
Topstitch 6mm from the folded edges along the top of the bag, through all layers. This will create a neat edge to the bag and secure the handles firmly in place.
Stitch an egg cosy
Locate and download the template. Transfer your chosen motif, including the outline shape of the cosy, onto printed linen. Place the fabric into an embroidery hoop, stretching it until is taut. Thread the needle with three strands of embroidery thread, then fill in the shapes of each motif in satin stitch, using the photos as a guide.
Once you’ve finished the embroidery, remove the fabric from the hoop and press with a hot iron on the wrong side to remove any creases. Cut out the cosy shape, then a second shape from the printed areas of the linen. Cut two shapes from purple cotton, for the lining.
Place the two linen shapes together, right sides facing, lining up the edges, and stitch all round the curved edge by hand or machine, 1.2cm from the edge. Leave the straight edge unstitched. Clip into the seam around the top curve, then turn right sides out and press.
Place the two cotton lining shapes together, right sides facing, lining up the edges, and stitch all round the curved edge, 1.2cm from the edge. Again, leave the straight edge unstitched. Clip into the seam around the top curve.
Place the lining inside the cosy so that the wrong sides are together. Turn under 1.2cm on the bottom edge of both cosy and lining, press, then oversew the folded edges together, matching the side seams. As a finishing touch, add a pom pom to the top of each cosy. To do this, wind embroidery thread around the tips of two fingers 30 times.
Remove the bundle of threads, then bind tightly around the centre with a spare length of thread, 15cm in length. Pass the thread into a needle and use it to stitch the pom pom to the centre top of the egg cosy. Fasten off, then cut through the thread loops, trim the ends and fluff out.