Sewing Patterns

Whether you’re looking to make yourself a new dress, a gift for someone special, or want to jazz up your home with some new soft furnishings, you’ll find an array of great FREE patterns right here!

Harriet Hare

Harriet Hare

Animals Easter Gifts Toys

Harriet, our pretty March hare, is full of the joys of spring. Her long ears and limbs mean she’s bursting with character, and to top it off we’ve fashioned her a...

Mother’s Day Fabric Flower Bouquet

Mother’s Day Fabric Flower Bouquet

Gifts Home makes

Show your mum just how much she means to you by making these delightful everlasting fabric flowers that will continue to bloom beyond Mother’s Day. They can be machine or hand...

Kitchen Gift Set

Kitchen Gift Set


From banana bread bakers to sourdough makers, Sophia Palmer’s project would be a heart-warming present for the passionate cook in your life. The set includes a fabric cover for a notebook...

Gardener’s Gift Box

Gardener’s Gift Box


Get your greenhouse in tip-top order with our gardener’s seed box. It's ideal for keeping those stray packets in order in the shed, or why not gift it to a green-fingered...

Toadstool Gift Set

Toadstool Gift Set

Decorations Gifts Home makes

Think fairy tales and woodland fun with this adorable polka dot gift set from designer Amanda Walker.

Stuart Hillard’s Garden Tote and Kneeler

Stuart Hillard’s Garden Tote and Kneeler

Gifts Home makes Outdoors Sewing Bee

With the arrival of spring, many will be preparing to get out in the garden for some much-needed maintenance after the colder months. Make it less of a chore with...

Tissue Pouch

Tissue Pouch


It’s always good to have a pack of emergency tissues in your handbag - especially during hayfever season! and this quick and easy project will give a somewhat boring item a...

Bowling Set

Bowling Set

Children Gifts Quick makes Toys

This colourful handmade bowling set is quick and easy to make and will keep the little ones entertained for hours. Whether made from coordinating fabrics or patchwork style with scraps...



Accessories Gifts

Stay comfy and cosy in customisable clothing that you can chill out and daydream in all day, while still staying stylish! Created by Cheryl Owen, we’ve even got a cute little...

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