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Sewing Pattern

May Day Cushion

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Bring the May Day celebrations into your home with this colourful embroidered cushion that features a classic May Pole with ribbons and delicate spring flowers.

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  1. Fabric: floral, cotton canvas, patterned scraps
  2. Ribbon, 3mm
  3. Thread, black, coloured
  4. Fusible interfacing
  5. Quilting foot

    1 Take a piece of cotton canvas, 31cm square. Cut two rectangles, 20cm x 31cm, from floral fabric. Using the template, draw out each motif onto interfacing. Trim around the motifs and iron them to the back of the patterned fabric.

    2 Cut the shapes out using fine scissors, then remove the paper backing. Arrange the motifs onto the front of the square cotton section, then iron and appliqué the pole in place.

    3 Cut ten 20cm ribbons and sew them to the top of the maypole in a bunch. Take two ribbons for each strand and create a five strand braid. Pin the ends of the ribbons into place, using the image as a guide, then stitch over the sides of the braid to highlight the edges of the pole.

    4 Iron on the remaining pieces, then embroider around them. Cover the top of the ribbons with a floral wreath. Use coloured thread to stitch all of the loose ribbons in place.

    5 Iron scraps of interfacing to the back of the flowers, then cut them out. Alternatively, use the template provided to cut out individual flowers. Peel off the paper backing and iron the flowers onto the ends of the ribbons, then stitch in place.

    6 Sew a rolled hem along the longest edges of both floral rectangles. Lay these onto the front of the maypole, right sides together, and pin. Remember to put the normal machine foot back on and the feeders up, then sew around the four sides to create the cushion.

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